SANBAN works with these organizations in a broad variety of ways, including the following:
Despite research showing that mergers and acquisitions (M&A) most times fail to create the wanted value, they remain an important part of any company’s long term value-creation strategy. There are several key questions companies should think about as they define their approach to M&A:
- Supporting the development of portfolio strategies as the basis for deciding strategic focus and selecting projects with the highest impact.
- Measuring the impact of their work and understanding the key drivers of the social return on their investment.
- Supporting initiatives designed to increase social impact by ensuring focus and attention on the drivers of the impact.
- Designing their organizations to ensure the effective use of resources with strong 16 management and board governance systems.
- Improving their funding and collaboration strategies, including decisions about their financial models and strategies around potential endowment levels.
SANBAN can help ensure that an investment in an M&A plan is the result of a carefully developed corporate strategy. Our approach is strategy driven, not deal driven, and we reserve the freedom to say no to a deal.